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How to Make Mountains and Hills For Your Model Railroad

Do you know about - How to Make Mountains and Hills For Your Model Railroad

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Once you've got a train layout set up on a flat table, you might want to make it more interesting by adding some mountains and hills. There are a couple of ways to do this, and they are both easy.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about How To Make Alkaline Water . You check this out article for home elevators that want to know is How To Make Alkaline Water .

How is How to Make Mountains and Hills For Your Model Railroad

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from How To Make Alkaline Water .

Papier-Mâché Method

If your layout is temporary, or you don't want to spend much money, you can use the papier-mâché method. Basically, you just scrunch up some newspapers into the general shape of the hill or mountain, then cover them with sheets of newspaper dipped in papier-mâché paste.

The traditional method of making papier-mâché paste is to add one part water to one part flour. Some people prefer to boil the paste, saying that it makes the consistency smoother. Water to flour ratio is changed to five parts water to one part flour in this case. Other people use a three to one or a one to one ratio of water and polyvinyl acetate wood glue. Still others say that starch makes a fine paste. Adding a dash of cinnamon to the mixture gives the paste a pleasant smell; adding a dash of salt and sugar reduces the chances of the product developing mould.

You simply dip sheets of newspaper (fold them a couple of times to make them thicker) in the paste and drape them over the scrunched up newspapers. The sheets will be soft and pliable, so mould them into hills and valleys as you like. Let the papier-mâché dry overnight. You will find that it is hard and rigid, like a piñata.

Paint it with a water-based paint in shades of green (for grass) and brown (for dirt) and grey (for rock). You can also use spray paint, but make sure it is matte, not glossy, paint. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle some grass (available at the hobby shop) or green-coloured sawdust. When the paint is dry, add some lichen for bushes and trees (also available at any hobby shop).

Window Screening and Wooden Supports

If your train layout is permanent, a more durable method of making mountains and hills is to use screening and wooden supports. This also has the advantage that you can run tracks on the mountain itself, providing you make the appropriate supports. Basically, you cut wooden support blocks to the appropriate size, then drape window screening (called "fly screen" in Australia) over the blocks, stapling the screen to the blocks. You should fasten the blocks to the table with screws or nails first, so they don't move around.

If you want, you can build a second track bed around or through the mountain, elevated above the table. Simply use support blocks and plywood to make a rigid base for the track.

Once the screening is in place, pinch it in places to make rugged edges, ditches, and valleys. Then mix up some common household plaster (available at any hardware store to fix holes in a plaster wall) and slobber it over the screen. There is no need to be careful, just make sure all the screen is covered. A thicker plaster mix works much better than a thin mix, as the latter allows the screen to show through.

When you get to the rugged vertical bits, use horizontal strokes of a knife to simulate rock cuts. Let the plaster dry overnight and then paint as described above.

Finally, finish it off with lichen bushes and trees as appropriate.

Don't Forget Access

When you are deciding how big to make your mountain, and where to place it, also think about derailments. Murphy's Law guarantees that, at some point, your train is going to derail in the tunnel through your mountain. Make sure the tunnel entrance is large enough so you can reach in and get your train out.

Or consider these alternatives: If you have made a papier-mâché mountain, and not glued it to the table, you can simply lift it off the table.

If you have made a permanent wood block and wire screen mountain, then consider cutting access holes in the table, below the mountain, so you can reach in and right the train or remove it. Don't make the holes too close to the track, because if the train does derail at that spot, you don't want it to fall through the hole onto the floor.

I hope you will get new knowledge about How To Make Alkaline Water . Where you can offer use in your life. And most importantly, your reaction is How To Make Alkaline Water .Read more.. How to Make Mountains and Hills For Your Model Railroad. View Related articles associated with How To Make Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I even have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share How to Make Mountains and Hills For Your Model Railroad.

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Alkaline Trio - Southern Rock

Alkaline Trio - Southern Rock Video Clips. Duration : 3.12 Mins.

Southern Rock off of Alkaline Trio's album Goddamnit

Keywords: Alkaline Trio, Southern Rock, Goddamnit

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Sang Whang ALKABEST Wasserionisierer water ionizer

Sang Whang ALKABEST Wasserionisierer water ionizer Video Clips. Duration : 2.62 Mins. präsentiert Hier ist der erste Werbetrailer von Sang Whang's ALKABEST Wasserionisierer. Er ist nun erst seit gerade Mal einem Monat auf dem Markt und hat schon große Erfolge erzielt. Er bietet eine ausgereifte Ionisierungs-Technik und produziert im Vergleich zu den meisten Ionisierern auf dem Markt doppelt so viel freie Elektronen, und somit ein doppelt so stark antioxidatives Wasser. Falls Sie mehr Informationen wollen, besuchen sehen SIe sich folgendes, sehr interessantes Interview an: Vielen Dank. Lieben Gruß Euer Yasin Akgün

Tags: ALKABEST, Wasser-Ionisierer, alkaline water, Sang Whang, Säure-Basen-Haushalt, Übersäuerung, Entgiftung, Wasserionisierer, basisches Wasser, basenwasser, antioxidativ, Antioxidant, Wasserfilter, Entschlackung, Darmreinigung, Darmsanierung, Freie Radikale

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Alkaline Trio - "Sadie"

Alkaline Trio - "Sadie" Tube. Duration : 5.92 Mins.

"Whitecoats" A found footage project. The experiment is to see how music and a video can change the perceptions applied to a person, or whether or not those perceptions change at all.

Keywords: Found Footage, venomysnicket, Kimani Wallace David, Alkaline Trio, Sadie Glutz, Susan Atkins, Charles Manson, Sadie, White-coats

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Make Juice, Not War

Make Juice, Not War Video Clips. Duration : 1.62 Mins.

Juicing tips and a recipe from Kris Carr, author "Crazy Sexy Diet," published by skirt!, an imprint of Globe Pequot Press.

Keywords: Crazy, Sexy, Diet, 21, Day, Cleanse, Juicing, Breakfast, Organic, Local, Celery, Cucumber, Kale, Delicious, Eating, Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian, Green, Juice, Superjuice, Alkaline, Wellness, Warrior

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Fast Fungus Test or Candida Test

Fast Fungus Test or Candida Test Video Clips. Duration : 1.78 Mins. | Fast Fungus Test or Fast Candida Test is not quantitative but descriptive qualitative test. It is in use for long time and is thought to be quite reliable in the evaluation of fungal growth and Candida symptoms. ALKALINE WATER Many people with Candida problems are too acidic - the ideal environment for Candida to thrive and replicate. For this purpose there are few solutions like: - Water Ionizers, ( produce different and specific water quality used in homes, nursing homes and hospitals for various environmental and health protection from simple to high-tech machines utilizing pre-filter. Block, Granular, Silver, Vitamin C & EFG Technology giving ORP of -800 or more, pH Output: 2.6 - 11.3. - Alkaline filters or pitchers ( with Replacement Cartridges ( will produce a moderate pH and moderate negative Oxidation Reduction Potential (-ORP) levels. They can't match the power of home water ionizers but they're great for for travel. - Water Flasks (or Scalar Energy Flasks) ( like alkaline filters or pitchers will also produce a moderate pH and moderate negative Oxidation Reduction Potential (-ORP) levels. They can't match the power of home water ionizers but they're great for for travel. BIFIDOPHYLUS FLORA FORCE (90) Probiotics are an important tool for preserving our natural health Our bodies contain billions of bacteria that live in a delicate balance with each other and in ...

Tags: Fast, Fungus, or, Candida, Test, health, educational, natural, tips & tricks, quality

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Re: "Love Love, Kiss Kiss" cover

Re: "Love Love, Kiss Kiss" cover Video Clips. Duration : 3.57 Mins.

Here's my cover, i know it's a shitty video. I was trying to make it so four of me appeared on-screen but it just didn't work out. I figured the big part of this contest is the music anyway. It's me playing all the instruments (thought the drum beat is a loop, i didn't have enough mics to do it proper). Anywhoo, hope you enjoy.

Tags: Alkaline, Trio, Love, Kiss, Cover, Matt, Skiba

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Body Ecology - You will feel amazing!!!!

Body Ecology - You will feel amazing!!!! Video Clips. Duration : 0.78 Mins. Donna Gates, founder of the Body Ecology (currently on it's 10th book edition) introduces the basics to understanding her plan of health and healing. This eating lifestyle addresses numerous health issues from weight management, candida, chronic fatigue, autism, multiple sclerosis, all the way down to the common cold. 18 things that make Body Ecology diet the best diet out there. We Follow the Principle of Uniqueness so we know that there is no one size fits all diet you eat the foods that are right for your body. Body Ecology is a flexible diet. The foods you eat will change from time to time. Certain physical conditions or diseases, certain seasons of the year, your age, even your sex can play a part in determining what foods you need to be eating. Body Ecology is an anti-fungal diet and helps overcome yeast or fungal infections. Body Ecology can easily be adapted to become an anti-viral diet and can be used for all viral conditions like herpes, shingles, AIDS or the flu. Body Ecology can be eaten vegetarian but it is NOT a vegetarian diet. If you are a vegetarian we have lots of excellent easily digested vegetarian choices. IN other words, we do vegetarian better. While not a vegetarian diet it is, however, largely a plant-based diet. We suggest that 80% of your meal be in plant foods...cooked and raw. We know how to prepare food in ways to make them easy to digest. WE have a wide variety of organic unrefined or virgin fats and oils so all the needed fatty ...

Tags: Body Ecology, Cancer, Autisim, healthy living, health diet

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HF Reception with iPhone + GuitarJack

HF Reception with iPhone + GuitarJack Tube. Duration : 4.28 Mins.

This is a demo using the iPhone with "iSDR" software for reception on the 20 meter, amateur radio band. A device known as 'GuitarJack' is plugged into the iPhone to provide necessary, stereo input for the signals produced by a Softrock Ensemble, SDR receiver front end. The signal is then demodulated (and many other things) by the "iSDR" application in the iPhone. In this case I have the audio output from "iSDR" connected to the 'Surround Xi' speaker also via the 'GuitarJack' (Speaker is the red tube - I have also wound a dipole antenna with legs on either side of the tube for use in a portable application...believe it or not it works if the signals are strong enough, but in this application I am using a G5RV antenna of 204 foot length.) I also have the Softrock USB output connected to an Aspire One netbook for the purpose of selecting the Local Oscillator frequency of interest. (Any place between 850 KHz and 30 MHz.) Once set the iSDR software can tune approximately 22KHz each side of the LO frequency selected. I am using the netbook only to tune to an LO frequency which then must be entered into the iSDR software for its frequency readout to be calibrated correctly. The LO selection is accomplished via use of 'SDR#", an SDR software product designed for use with desktop, laptop or netbook computers. You might note that at the end when you hear CW, that the frequency readout still indicates an SSB portion of the band since I did not take time to make the change in the LO ...

Keywords: isdr, SDR#, iphone, Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, SDR, k2bet1, guitarjack

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Make Potassium Rhodizonate (for lead testing)

Make Potassium Rhodizonate (for lead testing) Tube. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

In this video we're going to make potassium rhodizonate, a chemical for testing the presence of lead. Warning: This synthesis produces toxic nitrogen dioxide gases and handles corrosive acids. This should be performed in a fume hood with gloves. First get 10 grams of inositol and add 25 mL of concentrated nitric acid. With a condenser, reflux the mixture for three hours. Eventually gas production will cease and the mixture should be allowed to cool. Add enough cold water to make the total volume 100 mL. Add an additional 50 mL of glacial (100%) acetic acid. Place the mixture on an ice bath and stir. With continuous stirring, add in 40 g of potassium hydroxide in small portions. Be careful as it will produce a lot of heat and may bubble over. Allow time between each addition to allow the mixture to cool and settle down before adding the next portion. Once all of the potassium hydroxide is added and the mixture is cool. Take it off the ice bath and continue stirring it overnight. Filter out the red potassium rhodizonate precipitate and wash it with 100 mL of isopropanol. Then let it dry overnight. Remove the chunks of potassium rhodizonate and grind them with a spatula into a powder. And then transfer into a vial.

Keywords: Lead, chemistry, testing, analytical, paint, analytical chemistry

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Ionized Water

Ionized Water Tube. Duration : 7.05 Mins.

information about ionized water visit: for more information on ionized water and home filtration equipment

Keywords: Chrysalis, Purified water, ionized water, ionizer, ionways, alkaline water, alkaline

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Alkaline Water PH and -ORP Equals Beautiful Skin

Alkaline Water PH and -ORP Equals Beautiful Skin Video Clips. Duration : 4.08 Mins. Dr. Palermo Alkaline water consumption is the single most important addition to your health this century! It cleanses the body inside and out. Many people have reported much healthier, better looking skin. Learn more about this amazing water that is produced by the IonWays alkaline water ionizers. This water promotes a clean colon. Most people are becoming more aware of the health benefits of a clean colon. Chiropractor for 40 years trying to restore health to patients with the emphasis on good nutrition. Dr. Palermo has a family based practice in Strongsville, Ohio. He has treated patients from new born infants all the way to senior citizens. He is a 1969 graduate of New York Chiropractic College.

Keywords: ionways, alkaline, ionized water, jupiter, purifiers, kangen, melody, isis, Athena, microlite, orion neptune, cancer, orp, PH, antioxidant, free radicals, Enagic, clear skin, life ionizer, tyent.

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HCG Diet ers 38 lbs. weight loss testimony with Stevia Drinks and Alkalizer

HCG Diet ers 38 lbs. weight loss testimony with Stevia Drinks and Alkalizer Video Clips. Duration : 7.42 Mins. HCG Diet ers 38 lbs. weight loss testimony with Stevia Drinks and Alkalizer. Drinks that are perfect for hcg diet, make your own recipe. Plus you can alkalize alkaline your body with Alkalete. Stevia drinks that are perfect for hcg diet.

Keywords: hcg, diet, recipe, drink, tea, weight, loss, testimony, stevia, alkalize, alkalizer, alkaline, supplement, business, opportunity

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Alkaline Water Improves The Life Of One Man Who Suffered From Diabetes, Gout and Hypertension

Alkaline Water Improves The Life Of One Man Who Suffered From Diabetes, Gout and Hypertension Video Clips. Duration : 3.00 Mins. Steve Daily speaks about his remarkable experience of drinking IonWays alkaline water.

Tags: ionways, alkalne water, diabetes, gout, hypertension, ionized water, normalize blood sugar, lower blood pressure

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Alkaline Trio: Your Neck from Crimson feat: Nosferatu (1922)

Alkaline Trio: Your Neck from Crimson feat: Nosferatu (1922) Tube. Duration : 3.32 Mins.

Footage is from FW Murnau's silent film Nosferatu (1922). I re-sequenced and manipulated scenes from the original film to not only synch with the song but to create an entirely new story. The narrative of the original film is fascinating but I really wanted to turn the film into something a little more snarky and inverted in it's notion of redemption. To overcome obsession through destroying the object's husband and then snub her when she finally succumbs to you is as much justice as Nosferatu can attain from his place in the beauty/ugly spectrum. I also wanted to comment on the nature of vampiric fetishism and how certain implications of sexual mutability are the subconscious root of the romanticized vampire.

Keywords: Alkaline, Trio, Your, Neck, Crimson, Nosferatu, (1922), FW, Murnau, silent, film, vampire, vampyr

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Alkaline Water Demo vs Bottled Water & Soda

Alkaline Water Demo vs Bottled Water & Soda Video Clips. Duration : 11.88 Mins.

Questions, call (715)790-1828 Donald Tober demonstrates the benefits of alkaline water vs. the high acidic nature of a few popular bottled waters and soft drinks. This demonstration is on 9.5 pH & 11.5 pH alkaline water. As you can see in the video the 9.5 pH alkaline water has over a -500 ORP rating making it an excellent antioxidant. There are many benefits and uses for this water other than drinking. Contact me for more information if you are interested. (715)790-1828

Tags: alkaline water demo, kangen, cancer, antioxidant, arthritis, holistic

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How to make an HHO bomb?

How to make an HHO bomb? Video Clips. Duration : 3.85 Mins.

I added explanation in english to this vid. Use cc. I'll explain you how to make an oxyhydrogen (HHO) bomb with this video. Most people use electrolysis, but I want to show you another method. All products you need are available in shops or on the internet. At least in my country (The Netherlands) . Materials: - Plastic box filled with cold water - 2 glass bottles - Aluminum foil - Tape - 15% or a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This one is 30% - Some distilled or normal water - Manganese dioxide. To get this black stuff you've to break up an alkaline battery. - Balloon - Long fuse (like from a roman candle) - Small plastic bag - A bit of black powder (from a firecracker for example) - Sodium hydroxide/caustic soda/lye. - Scissors - Matches or a lighter I'm aware of the dangers and I'm not responsible for your acts.

Keywords: oxyhydrogen, bomb, hydrogen, peroxide, oxygen, glass, bottles, manganese, dioxide, Boom, Fireworks, How-to, sodium, hydroxide, caustic, soda, Energy, Bottle, Works, Rocket, Powder

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The Revival Tour 2012 "Wayward And Down" NYC

The Revival Tour 2012 "Wayward And Down" NYC Video Clips. Duration : 4.80 Mins.

Cory Branan, Chuck Ragan, Tom Gabel, Dave Hause, Dan Andriano, Kayleigh Goldsworthy, Jon Gaunt, Joe Ginsberg 3/30/12 at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City (late show) a bit shaky, a few thumb slips, brightest stage lights in existence, sandwiched between the 2 photographers at the show and surrounded by the loudest drunk girls ever but other than all of that, the video is ok

Keywords: cory branan, chuck ragan, tom gabel, dan, andriano, dave hause, kayleigh goldsworthy, jon gaunt, joe ginsberg, revival tour, revival tour 2012, hot water music, alkaline trio, against me, the loved ones, new york city, Acoustic, Nyc, Live Music, Live Concert

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Eat Alkaline Foods to Neutralize Acid Reflux

Do you know about - Eat Alkaline Foods to Neutralize Acid Reflux

Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Eating more alkaline foods is a great way to balance your diet and reduce the effects of acid reflux disease. In fact a highly acidic diet can be the cause of many other health problems in addition to acid reflux disease.

What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Alkaline Water . You read this article for facts about what you want to know is Alkaline Water .

How is Eat Alkaline Foods to Neutralize Acid Reflux

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Alkaline Water .

A low alkaline diet makes the cells and fluids in the body too acidic. This is a major problem in many western countries, especially in North America where the normal high-fat, high-sugar diets can cause Acidosis. Diets that are low in alkaline foods are also blamed as the cause of many diseases, especially rheumatic and arthritic diseases. And according to author Michal Cogan in his book the New Nutrition 'Acidosis destroys bones, because the body has to steal alkalizing minerals from them, to keep the blood pH from dropping into the acid range'.

Symptoms of Highly Acidic Diets

Common symptoms from eating an unbalanced diet that is too acidic can include; diarrhea, water retention, migraines, fatigue, halitosis, insomnia and a burning sensation on the tongue and in the mouth. More serious consequences from acid reflux disease include asthma, chest pains and even coughing up blood in the case of erosive esophagitis.

Alkaline diets have been developed to combat a wide range of health problems including diabetes and obesity and can aid weight loss. These alkaline foods diets should also be used in conjunction with a healthy eating plan that includes more smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to only a couple large meals.

The correct alkaline-acid balance varies slightly from person to person and also depends on your level of activity. Typically the more active you are, the more alkaline foods you need to eat. Generally the ratio of acidic foods to alkaline foods should range between 2:1 and 4:1.

Alkaline Foods include; almonds, coconut, buttermilk, yogurt, raisins, melons figs, olives, bananas, chocolate, avocado, grapes, potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce, artichokes, broccoli, cucumber and mushrooms.

Foods high in acidity include; beans, butter, cheese, vinegar, coffee, tapioca, eggs, meats, plums, prunes, blueberries, wine and other alcoholic drinks. Tobacco and recipes that include ash are also considered acidic.

In addition to acidic foods and alkaline foods there are also a large number of neutral ph foods. These include; sugar, honey, syrup, margarine and cooking oils.

Acid reflux happens when the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus relaxes when it should not. This allows stomach acid to flow up into the esophagus. When this acid reflux occurs often, it is called acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This can eventually cause erosion or sores to develop in the lining of the esophagus.

There are a number of different types of drugs and medicines that are commonly used to combat heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux disease, but certainly eating right and ensuring you consume a a diet high enough in alkaline foods is essential not only for these health problem, but for the whole body.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Alkaline Water . Where you possibly can put to used in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is Alkaline Water .Read more.. Eat Alkaline Foods to Neutralize Acid Reflux. View Related articles associated with Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Eat Alkaline Foods to Neutralize Acid Reflux.

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Navy Dance Hall Party

Navy Dance Hall Party Tube. Duration : 2.30 Mins.

Type a name: Once upon a weekend there were 31 Navy alcoholic related incidents. So the CO decided to make everyone on this side of the base phase 1 for the next weekend. phase 3 = overnight liberty on the weekends, no musters. Phase 1 - can't drink (regardless of age), can't drive a vehicle, required to wear dress whites off base, and must be in your rooms by 945pm every night.

Keywords: muster, friday, weekend, week, dance, party, hop, knife, whites, dress, formal, happy, funny, goofy, hilarious, comedy, hall, music, kiss, skeletons, alkaline, trio, navy, sailor, barracks, pensacola, florida, fl, city, base, naval, military

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Brian Fallon - 'American Slang' [Live @ Revival Tour, Manchester Academy 2]

Brian Fallon - 'American Slang' [Live @ Revival Tour, Manchester Academy 2] Tube. Duration : 4.13 Mins.

Brian Fallon from The Gaslight Anthem performs 'American Slang' - with help from Dave Hause (The Loved Ones), Chuck Ragan (Hot Water Music), Dan Andriano (Alkaline Trio) and Joe Ginsberg - at The Revival Tour in Manchester. http

Tags: American, Slang

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The three qualities of Kangen Water - get your free ebook today

The three qualities of Kangen Water - get your free ebook today Tube. Duration : 10.00 Mins. Bob demonstrates the three qualities of Kangen Water. More details are explained in this video: On our website you can sign up for a FREE Health Awareness Newsletter as well as a FREE Ebook with lots of information on nutrition and water. See also or http;

Tags: Water Enagic Kangen, health, kangen, water, ph, alkaline, acidic, buonacqua

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The Making of Strong Alkaline 11.5 pH Water

The Making of Strong Alkaline 11.5 pH Water Video Clips. Duration : 12.37 Mins.

In this video I demonstrate the process by which one makes the Strong Alkaline Water (11.5pH) and the Strong Acidic Water (2.5pH). Then I follow that with a quick demonstration of cleaning the machine with E Powder immediately after to ensure the cleanliness of the platinum dipped, titanium plates, allowing them to perform optimally.

Tags: How, to, make, Kangen, 11.5, 2.5, Cleaning, Machine

Posted in , , | 1 Comment Detox Day 15 Detox Day 15 Tube. Duration : 10.03 Mins.

an update vlog regarding 20 day full body detox from

Keywords: detox, dherbs, alkaline, water, whole, foods, parasite, cleanse

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How Cruise Ships Make Fresh Water

Do you know about - How Cruise Ships Make Fresh Water

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Modern cruise ships have an insatiable thirst for fresh water. Some of today's biggest cruise ships, like the Grand Princess, use more than 260,000 gallons of fresh water every day. Rather than carry all this water from the embarkation port, or rely on local ports of call, the newest state-of-the-art cruise ships transform salty sea water into fresh drinking water by a process known as desalination.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about How To Make Alkaline Water . You check out this article for info on what you need to know is How To Make Alkaline Water .

How is How Cruise Ships Make Fresh Water

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from How To Make Alkaline Water .

The desalination process on a cruise ship uses either flash evaporators or osmosis. Flash evaporators boil sea water and re-condense the steam vapor, producing fresh drinking water. This method is similar to the natural water cycle, where sea water is heated by the sun, rises as steam to form clouds, and then falls back to earth as rain. The second method, osmosis, filters sea water through a fine membrane to separate pure water from salt and other minerals. Cruise ships do not desalinate water near ports or close to land, because coastal waters are the most contaminated.

After desalination, the water is passed through a mineralization plant, which adds minerals. This is necessary because the healthy minerals naturally found in drinking water have been removed by desalination. At this stage, the water is also checked for impurities, sanitized, and the pH is corrected. The water is then sent to massive storage tanks on board the cruise ship. On the Grand Princess, for example, these storage tanks hold up to 500,000 gallons of fresh water.

Next, the water is routed to hot and cold systems. Miles of distribution pipe move the water around the cruise ship.

After the water is delivered through a sink or shower, and used by cruise ship passengers or crew, it must be treated again before it can be discharged. All cruise ships must follow strict environmental laws in the treatment of waste water. Even after treatment, the water is not immediately released, but is held in special storage tanks when the ship is close to land, in port, or other sensitive environments.

It's a complex process, but necessary in order to ensure the health of cruise ship passengers and the natural environment.

Something to think about next time you choose a cruise

I hope you receive new knowledge about How To Make Alkaline Water . Where you'll be able to offer use within your evryday life. And most significantly, your reaction is How To Make Alkaline Water .Read more.. How Cruise Ships Make Fresh Water. View Related articles associated with How To Make Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share How Cruise Ships Make Fresh Water.

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Rohtopia's Zimtstern-Kugeln vegan Cinnamon Star Balls

Rohtopia's Zimtstern-Kugeln vegan Cinnamon Star Balls Tube. Duration : 6.13 Mins. Hallo undherzlich willkommen bei Rohtopia ☼ diesmal gibt's ... Zimtsterne in Kugelform. Macht viele davon, die schmecken so gut dass sie sehr schnell weg sein werden... Das genaue Rezept gibt es auf http Gutes Gelingen und Bon Appetit! ..über Daumen Hoch und Kommentare freue ich mich sehr, alles liebe und geniesst euren Tag! ps. das chipmunk Geplauder sind mein Freund und ich in Vierfachgeschwindigkeit :-)) pps. das Hopperla zu Beginn ist mir erst Tage danach aufgefallen :-D * Hello and welcome to Rohtopia ☼ today's recipe: Cinnamon Star Balls - make a whole lot as they are soo good they'll be gone fast .. Find the complete recipe on Bon appetit! ps. the chipunk sounds ar my boyfriend and I chatting in 4x fast forward mode

Tags: rohkost, raw, food, Diät, Rohkostdiät, diet, health, gesundheit, selbermachen, how, to, make, rezept, recipe, detox, reinigungskur, entschlacken, abnehmen, rohtopia, allergie, Roh, gluten, free, vegan, vegetarian, vegetarisch, raw food, eifrei, glutenfrei, gluten free, sugar free, sugarfree, zuckerfrei, tiereiweissfrei, dairy free, milchfrei, allergy, alternative, alternativ, weihnachten, weihnachtkekse, xmas, cookies, christmas, Zimt, mandeln, dessert, alkaline

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A MRSA Treatment. Alkaline water machines, will they help treat MRSA?

A MRSA Treatment. Alkaline water machines, will they help treat MRSA? Tube. Duration : 4.35 Mins.

MRSA Treatment Is there a MERSA Treatment or Cure out there? Alkaline water machines, a CURE for MRSA? Please watch this video with the nations leader in non-antibiotic recovery of MRSA 1-800-620-3365 Open Blog at

Keywords: MRSA treatment, MRSA infection, infection control, sores, boils, Antibiotics, MRSA cure, mersa, Alkaline, water machines

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Halo 3 : Kampys Final Multi Kill Montage (MLG)

Halo 3 : Kampys Final Multi Kill Montage (MLG) Tube. Duration : 9.93 Mins.

A Very good Montage with amazing multi kills and amazing editing, this is one of the best halo montages out there ignore the Following Sniper Montage this montage is very good also check out this channel and sub made by gears of war montage gears of war 2 online glitches halo 3 call of duty 5 glitches and tricks online tut glitcher rape montage blind fire amazing headshots Ignore - G tutorial Gearsopedia montages Gearsopedia final montages 1 2 3 4 5 Gearsopedia 1v1 tournament 2v2 AC3 X thegoldglove07 xfycnx dizastor xfycnx iceman snowman xEBHx Taypac Gears of War xEBHx Iceman Gears of War xEBHx GoldGlove gdawgum shadowpunish3r xfycnx iceman xbox angel of evil 360 rape ownage boom headshot pure pwnage ps3 elite halo 3 best sniper ever insane amazing blindfire no scope off host scope shot longshot rifle gears gridlock general ramm tutorial glithes ultimate funny chronicles marcus feenix multi kills clan mlg skill GOW gow nizmojoe nismojoe redux XxgdawgumxX headshot montage gears of war 2 gears of war film gears of war sniper montagexbox live amazing no-scope blindfire awesome nismojoe AC3 X thegoldglove07 gold glove 07 the angelofevil69 angel of evil SHADOWPUNISH3R shadowpunish3r austin123cav Funniest Headshot EVER in Gears of War x ICEIVIMAN microsoft linux mac os x adobe photoshop after effects xfycnx dizastor xfycnx iceman snowman gdawgum shadowpunish3r xfycnx iceman xbox angel of evil 360 rape ownage boom headshot pure pwnage ps3 elite halo 3 best sniper ever insane ...

Tags: halo, halo3, need, skill, kampys, final, sniper, multikill, multi, kill, montage, blindfire, noscope, acheivmentmedia, please, subscribe, mlg, Best

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Through the flame

Through the flame Video Clips. Duration : 4.48 Mins.

Trials are blessings in disguise in our journey of life... when we encounter trials God says we are to consider it all joy.. no matter what the trials are they have a purpose and the purpose is to make you "perfect n complete, lacking in nothing. " all trials are permitted by God, filtered into our lives through His fingers of love, for the purpose of making us like JESUS! no child of God is exempt from trials... do consider it all joy n look past the temporal... beyond the trial... through the flame!! look ahead down the long road to the eternal! be blessed with this awesome song sung by David Erless!

Keywords: through the flame, journey

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Dr. Mona Harrison,MD. "Sacred Water" Pt3

Dr. Mona Harrison,MD. "Sacred Water" Pt3 Tube. Duration : 10.00 Mins.

***This description is from To purchase entire DVD "Water Water Everywhere Not A Drop To Drink" go to Dr. Mona Harrison received her degree from the University of Maryland and went on to become the assistant dean of Boston University School of Medicine. As chief medical officer for DC General Hospital, she directed the trauma center, emergency center, and outpatient services. When we are born, our bodies are filled with a water that has a specific clustered form, Dr.Harrison said. Especially the brain and liver have water that has a large number of negatively charged hydrogen ions. A water cluster is a ring of six molecules that share common hydrogen bonds. The six-sided shape enters the cell most easily, like a master key that opens the locks on many doors. In its free state in nature, the water molecule has two positively charged hydrogen ions and one negatively charged oxygen ion. Cellular processes in plants and animals store energy in the hydrogen ions by capturing free electrons. The stored electrons change the hydrogen ions from a positive charge to a negative charge. A healthy cell is a miniature hydroelectric station; water flows in and out; energy is produced and stored. Through her advanced studies in the field of quantum mechanics and the laws of cellular and biological regeneration of our DNA, Dr.Harrison was led to the discovery of the value of water, its physical, psychical and spiritual properties as the key to ...

Tags: mona, harrison, alkaline, water, sacred, life, healing, electrolysis, clustered, ion, positive, negative, hydrogen, orp

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Alkaline Water and Eczema

Alkaline Water and Eczema Tube. Duration : 8.00 Mins.

Maintain Optimal Balance Between Cellular Breakdown And Renewal: Alkaline Water Acid Balance Facts http Not all ionizers are created equal. Discover the leaders in research and development for over 25 years: Follow individual case studies throughout their hospital treatment for this debilitating and heretofore practically incurable skin disease. By: NHK - Japanese government owned & operated public TV

Tags: acid, acidic, alkaline, alkalize, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, cleansing, colon, dehydration, energy, eczema, health, hydration

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Weight Loss Food and Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Loss Food and Healthy Weight Loss Tube. Duration : 9.23 Mins. Learn How alkaline water can make a difference in your weight loss.

Keywords: weight loss, healthy weight loss, weight loss diet, ph weight loss

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Keep A Breast Casting 101: Vans Warped Tour 2008 Featuring Mayday Parade and Anthony Green

Keep A Breast Casting 101: Vans Warped Tour 2008 Featuring Mayday Parade and Anthony Green Tube. Duration : 4.52 Mins.

Keep A Breast partnered with bands on Vans Warped Tour 2008 to create a collection of one-of-a-kind breast casts to raise funds for breast cancer awareness. KAB's Erica Leite gives a Step-by-Step on how to make a breast cast with members of Driftless Pony Club, Family Force 5, Chiodos, The Matches, Circa Survive, It Dies Today, Cute Is What We Aim For, Meg & Dia, Inclement Weather, Bayside, Mayday Parade, The Spill Canvas, All TIme Low, Pendleton, Alesana, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Pepper, Tiger Army, Alkaline Trio and Gallows. These casts represent a unique, ongoing cancer awareness campaign that combines sculpture, charity, and personal expression to communicate feelings about breast cancer and the female and male forms. Connect with Keep A Breast! http About TheKeep A Breast Foundation The Keep A Breast Foundation™ is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to help eradicate breast cancer by exposing young people to methods of prevention, early detection and support. Through art events, educational programs and fundraising efforts, we seek to increase breast cancer awareness among young people so they are better equipped to make choices and develop habits that will benefit their long-term health and well-being.

Tags: Family Force 5, Chiodos, The Matches, Circa Survive, It Dies Today, Cute Is What We Aim For, Meg & Dia, Inclement Weather, Bayside, Mayday Parade, The Spill Canvas, All time Low, Pendleton, Alesana, Pepper, Tiger Army, anthony green, chapstick, FF5, Driftless Pony Club, Erica Leite, keep a breast, keep a breast cast, breast cancer awareness

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How To Make A Car That Runs On Water - The Theory and Basic Concept Behind It

Do you know about - How To Make A Car That Runs On Water - The Theory and Basic Concept Behind It

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If you love to visit YouTube or Metacafe, you might stumble upon videos on cars that can run on water. I myself is fascinated by the video and I have been searching on how to make a car that runs on water for months. After the research, I have found that there are two methods on how to modify car to run on water.

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How is How To Make A Car That Runs On Water - The Theory and Basic Concept Behind It

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Firstly, we should understand the chemical compound - water (H2O). Water consists of 2 hydrogen atoms as well as 1 oxygen atom. Some close compounds that are highly flammable are hydrogen (H2), Oxyhydroge(HHO) et cetera. Upon research, I have found that converting water into hydrogen as well as oxyhydrogen is actually very common in industries. However, this method is rarely being used in car.

What the people in YouTube and Metacafe are doing is actually using the electricity in the car battery to make the water to undergo electrolysis and convert water into hydrogen or oxyhydrogen gas, which can be used as alternative fuel for cars. Then, they make some modification on the car engine to divert to flammable gas and mix the gas with fuel or gasoline. Therefore, the flammable gas actually provides additional energy and act as an additional alternative fuel for cars. Indirectly, they are actually making a car that runs on water. This process is very easy and can be done on your own at cost of about 0. You can find out more on how to modify you car to run on water in my website below.

I hope you receive new knowledge about How To Make Alkaline Water . Where you'll be able to put to used in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is How To Make Alkaline Water .Read more.. How To Make A Car That Runs On Water - The Theory and Basic Concept Behind It. View Related articles related to How To Make Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share How To Make A Car That Runs On Water - The Theory and Basic Concept Behind It.

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ELECTRIC FOODS VS. ACID FOODS - CARBON BASED VS. STARCH BASED - 30 Bananas Balogna Tube. Duration : 9.58 Mins.


Tags: ELECTRIC, FOODS, ACID, CARBON, VS., STARCH, BASED, Dr, sebi, afrika, pookrum, pharoh, africa, asiatic, edom, hueman, alkaline, health, wealth, vegan, vegetarian, durian, rider, nfl, nba, football, vick, brady, cycling, lebron, kobe, nwo, world, order, alex, jones, illuminati, nutricide, genocide, slavery, control, social, federal, reserve, fluoride, water, ph, cooking, recipes, weed, cannabis, 420, kush, chronic, cali, prop, 215, ron, paul, states, rights, sovereignty, fiji, rainforest, meat, eating, pork, beef, pitbull, 30, bananas, day

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Learn How to Make Alkaline Drinking Water - Do it Yourself Guide

Do you know about - Learn How to Make Alkaline Drinking Water - Do it Yourself Guide

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

This article will discuss how to make alkaline drinking water. Alkaline water has been known to be useful water for our body as it can balance the pH of our digestive system. Our body tends to be acidic with pH around 4. This is because of the nature of the inner system and also because of our food. Foods like processed food or alcoholic drinks may store acid deposit into the body, thus causing acidic condition inside us.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about How To Make Alkaline Water . You check this out article for home elevators what you need to know is How To Make Alkaline Water .

How is Learn How to Make Alkaline Drinking Water - Do it Yourself Guide

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The first principle to make alkaline drinking water is of course the source of water. Since you want to make the water drinkable, you have to use tap water, or other water source that has been certified to be safe for consumption. This water is usually not alkaline water, just neutral water with pH around 7. To make the water alkaline, add something that will increase the pH, like baking soda.

Baking soda can be used to increase the pH, just add around half teaspoon of it into a gallon of normal drinking water. Shake it and make sure the water is mixed completely. Now buy a pH test which you could normally find on chemical store, immerse the strip into the water and check whether it has already be alkaline. If it is not as you want it to be, just add more baking soda. Test it again. If you find it suitable with what you need, then no need to add more baking soda. Write down how many teaspoon of baking you have added, so next time you do not have to do such trial and error again.

Although you now know how to make alkaline drinking water, I would still suggest you do more than that. It is true that the alkaline water will make your body healthier, but if you can afford to make alkaline ionized water, then it would be much superior than ordinary alkaline water. Alkaline ionized water not only will balance the pH of your body, but it will also remove any toxic complexes inside our body system. It also acts as our anti-aging soldiers. The benefits of alkaline ionized water are far best compare with normal alkaline water. To make the ionized water, you will need a water ionizer. No need for fancy and expensive water ionizer machine as long as the important features are available, you can get a quite inexpensive water ionizer.

You have learned how to make alkaline drinking water. However, I strongly recommend that you move forward to produce your own alkaline ionized drinking water at your home.

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Fish of the day Ep.3 Cardinal tetras

Fish of the day Ep.3 Cardinal tetras Video Clips. Duration : 0.45 Mins.

mastermindnews- New fish of the day. Cardinal tetras The cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi, is a freshwater fish of the characin family (family Characidae) of order Characiformes. It is native to the upper Orinoco and Negro Rivers in South America. Growing to about 3 cm (1.25 in) total length, the cardinal tetra has the striking iridescent blue line characteristic of the Paracheirodon species laterally bisecting the fish, with the body below this line being vivid red in color, hence the name "cardinal tetra". The cardinal tetra's appearance is similar to that of the closely related neon tetra, with which it is often confused; the neon's red coloration extends only about halfway to the nose, and the neon's blue stripe is a less vibrant blue, however. The cardinal tetra is a very popular aquarium fish but is less widespread than the neon tetra because until recently it was difficult to breed in captivity. However, many breeders are now producing the fish; in most cases one can determine if the cardinal tetra is bred or wild caught due to damaged fins on wild caught specimens. Normally aquarists prefer to buy tank bred fish but some Brazilian ichthyologists believe that fishkeepers should continue to support the sustainable Cardinal fishery of the Amazon basin, since thousands of people are employed in the region to capture fish for the aquarium trade. It has been suggested that if those fishermen lost their livelihood catching Cardinals and other tropical fish, they ...

Tags: mastermindnews, pets, and, animals, wild, life, creatures, aquatic, fish, frogs, newts, jumping, racing, horse, stunts, bay, dog, dogs, horses, cat, cats, aquarium, tank, area, crossing, rescue, cute, riding, pony, shelter, water, dressage, animal crossing, stuffed, society, folk, funny, city, goldfish, hunter, hyphy, kittens, feeding, green, reef, shark, tropical, marine, pond

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How to Make the Lemon Detox Diet Drink - The Correct Recipe and Ingredients

Do you know about - How to Make the Lemon Detox Diet Drink - The Correct Recipe and Ingredients

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Getting this very simple recipe right is crucial to your ultimate result.

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How is How to Make the Lemon Detox Diet Drink - The Correct Recipe and Ingredients

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Ingredients for the Lemon Detox Drink

  • 2 Tablespoons Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup Grade B
  • 1/10th Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
  • 8 fl Oz's Pure Water

Mix all of the ingredients together in a glass and enjoy! Initially you may find the cayenne pepper a little hot, especially if you are not used to spicy food but this is something that you also become accustomed to very quickly.

I was quite surprised at how hot it was when I first tried it but I was soon adding extra cayenne for an even stronger detox towards the end.

You'll need to drink a minimum of 6 detox drinks throughout the day. Somewhere between 8 - 12 is ideal. Make sure that you are also drinking plenty of fresh pure water throughout the day too.

Whenever you start to feel a bit hungry, go and mix yourself a drink. This tends to keep hunger pains at bay pretty quickly. Once you get past day 3, you'll probably find that you will experience very few actual hunger pains although about 1 in 4 people do say that they have regular hunger pains throughout. But don't worry, I've got a good feeling that you'll be one of the lucky other 3!

The drink is best made fresh each time that you want to drink it but this sometimes isn't possible, especially if you are heading off to work. To try and maintain the cleaning power of the lemon enzymes, make a concentrate of the maple syrup and the lemon juice and just add water when you want to drink it.


So if you were planning on drinking 3 drinks whilst you were out, you would need to make up a concentrate of 6 tablespoons of lemon juice and 6 tablespoons of maple syrup.

To make life easier on yourself, take 3 separate bottles of water each containing 8 fl Oz's of pure water but with the capacity for 10 fl Oz's as you will be adding your concentrate to it.

You'll need to pack a tablespoon for measuring and your cayenne to add at the end. (you can add 3/10ths of a teaspoon of cayenne to the concentrate but cayenne tends to get hotter when it hits liquid and is left for a period of time).

Once you're ready for a drink, just get your concentrate out and give it a good shake, then measure 4 tablespoons into the bottle, add your cayenne, shake and drink!


If hunger creeps in just distract yourself. I decided to detox my house whilst I detoxed my body. There is nothing quite like cleaning to keep you focused and distracted. My house had never looked so good by the time I had finished my detox and of course it helps when you get so much more energy than you normally have.

If you don't have a house to clean try some light exercise as this will make you feel great and keep your mind off food. Don't forget to keep drinking the detox drink and replenishing your water supplies.

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The Power of WATER as HYDROELECTRICITY in the Body!

The Power of WATER as HYDROELECTRICITY in the Body! Tube. Duration : 2.03 Mins.

The most underrated Nutrient is WATER! We just dont think of it as a NUTRIENT. But it is. And it may just be the MOST important one. Nothing harnesses the POWER and POTENCY of the SUN like Water inside the body. Dr. Moo-Twahz 'splains it all! For HEALTH CONSULTATIONS call 314-802-8110 Tags dr mootwahz foods super consciousness body innate intelligence power manifestation blogtalk radio life communication cells blood mercola sebi llaila afrika jewel pookrum bobby hemmitt phil valentine immortal institute robert ettinger abram hoffer linus pauling david wolfe jubb peter temponi vegan vegetarian water natural sun mind brain thinking thoughts

Keywords: water, mootwahz, birmingham, alabama, elijah, muhammad, batmanghelidj, cures, cries, dehydration, dr, sebi, scott, whitaker, resonance, mona, harrison, bobby, hemmitt, phil, valentine, llaila, afrika, jewel, tynetta, alkaline, acid

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How to Make Your Own Home Made Water Purifier

Do you know about - How to Make Your Own Home Made Water Purifier

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Why are you looking for a home made water purifier? 

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How is How to Make Your Own Home Made Water Purifier

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Are you doing a science project?  Are you a science teacher?   Or, do you really have a problem with contamination? 

If your answer to the latter is "yes", I'll have some information for you later on, but first let's look at the science project.

If you want to built a home made water purifier to demonstrate some of the principles of water purification, you only need a few common household items; two large mixing bowls, a sturdy square cardboard box about 1 foot high, 4 and a half feet of yarn (preferably white) cut into one and one half foot lengths and braided to form a rope and dirty water.

The demonstration works best if you have a mud hole or a stagnant pond to get water from.  You need to put one bowl on top of the box.  The other goes on the table or floor.  One end of the yarn rope goes in each bowl and the dirty water goes into the bowl on top.

Eventually, the yarn rope will absorb the water, but the dirt will be left behind.  This home made water purifier demonstrates the principles of simple filtration.  It also demonstrates absorption and it gets a little help from gravity. 

You could repeat the demonstration with bowls on the same level, in order to show how gravity helps the cleaner water travel down the rope and into the second bowl.  If they are on the same level, the water will drip off of the rope and into the spot between the bowls. 

If you are a science teacher, you may want to schedule a tour of your local treatment facility after you complete the home made water purifier demonstration.  That kind of tour made a big impression on me, during my childhood. 

Your students may begin to appreciate water more and start to understand the concepts of conservationism.  We have a limited number of resources on this planet.  Freshwater is one resource that we can hardly afford to waste.

If you have a problem with contamination, then a home made water purifier is probably not the right choice.  In an emergency situation, such as following a flood or hurricane, you should boil if you have electricity, but it is best to be prepared by storing clean water ahead of time or keeping a case of bottled on hand.

If you store your own, you will need to replace it every six months.  If you use plastic containers, you should store in an area away from toxic substances, such as gasoline or pesticides, because the vapors may be able to penetrate the plastic.

If you've forgotten to "be prepared", you can use unscented household chlorine bleach.  The CDC recommends an eight of a teaspoon per gallon if the water is clear and three quarters of a teaspoon, if there is some cloudiness.  Mix thoroughly and let stand for 30 minutes before use.

You can also opt to keep chlorine or iodine tablets on hand, but many parasitic organisms will not be killed by them or chlorine bleach. 

As long as you still have service, your kitchen faucet filter will still be working and as long as it has sub-micron particle filtration, additional steps may be unnecessary, but if possible, filter and then boil.

A home made water purifier is not adequate to handle emergency needs.

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How to Make Grandma's Deep Dish Apple Pie in an Oblong Cake Pan (And Hot Water Pie Crust Recipe)

Do you know about - How to Make Grandma's Deep Dish Apple Pie in an Oblong Cake Pan (And Hot Water Pie Crust Recipe)

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Do you ever remember your grandmother making pie squares? If you do, this recipe is sure to take you back in time. If not, start a new (old) tradition at your house. Make this deep dish apple pie in a 13 x 9-inch cake pan and serve pie squares. This is an old family recipe handed down through the generations. Try it; you'll like it. Pastry, Granny Smith apples, sugar, cinnamon; is your mouth watering yet? Use your favorite pastry recipe or try the Hot Water Pie Crust recipe below.

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How is How to Make Grandma's Deep Dish Apple Pie in an Oblong Cake Pan (And Hot Water Pie Crust Recipe)

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from How To Make Alkaline Water .


An old family recipe we have handed down through generations recipe. This recipe is very, very old.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Pastry for 10-inch two crust pie. See the hot water pie crust recipe below or use your favorite recipe.

Line a 13 x 9-inch baking pan with pie crust dough trimming to 1/2-inch overhang. Set aside.


1 1/4 cups sugar
6 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tbsp ground cinnamon
12 cups thinly sliced, peeled Granny Smith apples
1/2 stick butter


1 tbsp milk
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

To prepare filling: Combine sugar, flour, and cinnamon in a small bowl. Put apples in a large bowl and pour the sugar mixture over the apples; toss well to mix. Layer half the apple mixture over the dough in the baking pan. Dot apples with half the butter. Top butter with the other half of the apple mixture and dot with remaining butter. Top with another sheet of pie dough. Crimp edges of the two pastry sheets to seal. Cut some small slits for air to escape during baking.

To prepare topping: Brush the pastry top with the milk. Combine the sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle mixture over the milk.

Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Lower oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake another 35 to 40 minutes until bubbly and browned.

Note: May be made in a 10-inch deep dish pie pan if you wish the conventional shaped pie.


An old Indiana recipe.

3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup lard (softened to room temperature)
1/2 cup boiling water
1 tsp salt

Mix all ingredients together with a spoon. Rut into refrigerator until cool. Roll out to make 3 single pie crusts. May be kept in freezer until needed.

Note: If you no longer use lard, this can be made with an equal amount of shortening.


I hope you receive new knowledge about How To Make Alkaline Water . Where you can offer use within your daily life. And above all, your reaction is How To Make Alkaline Water .Read more.. How to Make Grandma's Deep Dish Apple Pie in an Oblong Cake Pan (And Hot Water Pie Crust Recipe). View Related articles related to How To Make Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share How to Make Grandma's Deep Dish Apple Pie in an Oblong Cake Pan (And Hot Water Pie Crust Recipe).

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Dave Palumbo Seminar: Toxicity, Cleansing, & Alkalinization- Part 1

Dave Palumbo Seminar: Toxicity, Cleansing, & Alkalinization- Part 1 Video Clips. Duration : 19.30 Mins.

Dave Palumbo Seminar: Toxicity, Cleansing, & Alkalinization- Part 1! Alkalinized Water, Black Mica, Fiber, Probiotics, and more!

Tags: Dave Palumbo, Black Mica, Ion Pod, Rx muscle

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IonPod Water Bottle Commercial

IonPod Water Bottle Commercial Tube. Duration : 2.35 Mins.

IonPod Water Alkaliser

Tags: ionpod, DSKR, Water, Commercial,

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Here's How to Make Your Very Own Homemade Water Level

Do you know about - Here's How to Make Your Very Own Homemade Water Level

How To Make Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Today, finding a true level of an area is commonly done by using modern apparatus such as spirit levels or laser levels. These methods actually work quite well but there are more ways to find an accurate level of an area without using expensive and sophisticated equipment.

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How is Here's How to Make Your Very Own Homemade Water Level

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Years ago, builders would find true levels by employing a very simple technique which only involved materials such as water and tubing. This is more commonly known as a Water Level and is actually still used by builders today as it offers great accuracy.

There are many uses for a water level like, suppose you need to find the level of two separate rooms in different positions of a house, or maybe you're working on a site where you are setting out and need to establish a datum to work to. A water level will help you achieve all of these things with ease.

For those of you who want to find a cheap and very effective method of establishing true level, read on! Firstly, go and find yourself a good length of plastic tubing. A water hose works absolutely fine for this and you can pick lengths of hose up from any DIY or garden centre for relatively cheap.

Once you have your length of hose, position it on site or wherever you hope to achieve your true level. Make sure one end of the hose is at either side of the two points you want to get your level from. Fill the hose with water but only enough so that you leave about a couple of feet of air at the ends. Hold one end of the hose at the position you want to use as your 'level reference' and then with the aid of a helper, get them to hold the other end of the hose up at the other point you want to establish your next reference point. Mark this clearly with chalk or pencil etc.

Here's the trick to this!

While your helper is holding the hose up at his reference point, move your hose up or down until the level of water in the hose matches the level of the first reference point that is to be transferred. When you have done this task, the line of water in the hose at the second reference point where your helper is will be identical as to where the level is at the first reference point.

Stick with me on this as I know it can be very difficult to visualise this technique without actually seeing a diagram to illustrate it. But trust me when I say this, get this method right and you will always establish true level or datum lines wherever you are working. By the way, for those of you who aren't sure of what a datum line is; A Datum line is the true level line of reference that all other trades, for lets say on a building site for example, will work to.

This is highly important as without establishing a true datum line, it would be very difficult to establish any form of uniformed level. You can use this method to transfer level to as many points as you wish but for higher accuracy, always be sure to transfer your reference points from the first, original point. This will eliminate any chance of accumulative errors.

So there you have it, a great and very accurate tool to use, and one that is only a fraction of the cost of an expensive, state of the art laser or rotary level. So go build your new water level today for immaculate and accurate workmanship.

I hope you will get new knowledge about How To Make Alkaline Water . Where you can offer easy use in your life. And above all, your reaction is How To Make Alkaline Water .Read more.. Here's How to Make Your Very Own Homemade Water Level. View Related articles related to How To Make Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I even have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Here's How to Make Your Very Own Homemade Water Level.

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Top 5 Alkaline Vegetables & Their Benefits

Do you know about - Top 5 Alkaline Vegetables & Their Benefits

Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Fruits and vegetables are the answer to a healthy and balanced body, which functions optimally thus leading to a longer life span. Alkaline vegetables are the call of time. About 80% of our food intake should be alkaline vegetables and alkaline fruits and no more than 20% of the entire food intake should be acidic.

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Alkaline Water . You see this article for home elevators a person want to know is Alkaline Water .

How is Top 5 Alkaline Vegetables & Their Benefits

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Alkaline Water .

Vegetables that are alkaline help maintain the ph balance of the body at 7.3. They can easily be included to form part of the diet and should be substituted for most of the acid food. The greener the vegetable the more alkaline it is said to be. So when looking for alkaline vegetables, choosing from the greens might be a good idea.

Broccoli is a good vegetable that is also alkaline and can be consumed in plenty by simply boiling it a bit and adding some sea iodine salt and lemon for flavor. With a small amount of butter even children can be tempted to eat this vegetable

Artichokes are also a good form of alkaline vegetables. There are plenty of ways to include artichokes in your daily diet plan. Just adding them to any other vegetable can increase the flavor of that meal. Simply boiling them and adding them to a bowl full of salad leaves can do wonders for the body also. Vegetables that are alkaline add to the health of the body and the taste of the dish.

Bamboo shoots also fall in the same category. Though most people don't have a stomach for the smell of bamboo shoots they can still consume it by following a few basic rules. Keep the bamboo shoots dipped in some lemon syrup for about 30 min. Peel and cut a few potatoes and add a large tomatoes and a glass of water and the bamboo shoots to the vessel. All these are alkaline vegetables. Boil all the ingredients for half an hour add spices according to taste and simmer for another twenty minutes you will have a lovely soupy dish to be eaten with rice or just consumed as it is. The oriental races consume bamboo shoots and one can see that they have a longer life span and healthier bodies due to this consumption of vegetables that are alkaline.

Leek is also an alkaline vegetable and most French women claim that it is their secret for not gaining weight. Leek soup is easy to make and delicious to have. If a bit of garlic is added to the leek soup we have two alkaline vegetables at the same time. Garlic is very good for cleansing the body of toxic wastes and should be added to most of the meals for it's alkalizing effect.

Egg plant though not a green vegetable family member is still an alkaline vegetable. Eggplants can be consumed in a variety of ways. Cheese and eggplant bakes are tingling for the taste buds. Eggplants with a few potatoes can make a lovely alkaline vegetable dish. For children try out mashed eggplant as a side dish.

The list of vegetables that are alkaline is unending. Cabbages, lettuce, Mushrooms, onions, peas, pepper bells, parsley, radish, cucumber and almost all vegetables are all alkaline. So go out there and skip the meat section and walk into health and vigor. With an alkaline vegetable diet plan you cannot go wrong.

I hope you get new knowledge about Alkaline Water . Where you may put to use in your day-to-day life. And above all, your reaction is Alkaline Water .Read more.. Top 5 Alkaline Vegetables & Their Benefits. View Related articles related to Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Top 5 Alkaline Vegetables & Their Benefits.

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The Revival Tour 2011 (@ De Duif, Amsterdam), #23 [Brian Fallon] Ladykiller

The Revival Tour 2011 (@ De Duif, Amsterdam), #23 [Brian Fallon] Ladykiller Tube. Duration : 4.60 Mins.

The Revival Tour, live @ De Duif (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), 4 October 2011. Dave Hause, Chuck Ragan, Dan Andriano, Brian Fallon and friends played for THREE hours. Acoustic, awesome gig, great atmosphere, amazing venue (an old church). All in all a truly memorable evening :). Song title: "Ladykiller" (by The Horrible Crowes). HD Quality video w/ stereo sound. Enjoy!

Tags: The, Revival, Tour, 2011, De, Duif, Paradiso, Amsterdam, Europe, UK, Brian, Fallon, Dan, Andriano, Chuck, Ragan, Dave, Hause, Gaslight, Anthem, Alkaline, Trio, Hot, Water, Music, Loved, Ones, Acoustic, Folk, Punk, Rock, Indie, Ladykiller, Horrible, Crowes

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Ancient and Modern Hebrew class 1 (Genesis 1:1 intro)

Ancient and Modern Hebrew class 1 (Genesis 1:1 intro) Video Clips. Duration : 18.00 Mins. click this link if you would like to view Nysut Amun-Re Sen Atum - Re's next lecture live "online" if you cannot make it to New York. Thank you for your support in advance. Support the youth. Support the Young Phenom, author of 40 plus books and fluent in 7 languages.

Tags: learn, to, read, speak, ancient, hebrew, tanakh, think, in, torah, modern, arabic, tones, dna, genesis, 1:1, alkaline, amharic, POLIGHT, language, aleppo, codex, author, 40, plus, books

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Natasha Kyssa Part 1 ITTV Show

Natasha Kyssa Part 1 ITTV Show Tube. Duration : 10.05 Mins. Natasha Kyssa shares her journey through the darkness of depression and the debility of eating disorders to the light of living a healthy Live, Raw Food Lifestyle. Natasha is passionate about inspiring others to make changes, she states "Its not about being 100% raw it is about being 100% healthy." Natasha is a leader in detoxification and in keeping your steps towards transformation simple. If you feel you have room to improve your state of well being, take a moment to listen to Natasha's story and it just may just awaken your inner knowing that you are what you eat....

Tags: Natasha Kyssa, Amy Whitney, anorexia, bulimia, energy boost, sprouts, wheatgrass, superfoods, longevity, antioxidants, chlorophyl, saved life, living food lifestyle, living food diet, raw food diet, raw foodist, Dr Ann Wigmore, depression, Energy Soup Rejuvelac, enzyme rich foods, detoxification, weight loss, alkaline diet

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Alkaline Trio Dead End Road

Alkaline Trio Dead End Road Tube. Duration : 3.13 Mins.


Keywords: alkaline, trio, 13

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Natural Gout Treatment - Alkaline Water As A Natural Gout Remedy

Do you know about - Natural Gout Treatment - Alkaline Water As A Natural Gout Remedy

Alkaline Water ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I discussed the value of drinking water in natural gout treatment in earlier articles. Of course all types of water are not equal, for example hard water is better than soft because of its additional mineral content and distilled water is acidic. Probably the best of all waters for natural gout treatment is alkaline water, also called ionized water.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Alkaline Water . You see this article for facts about what you want to know is Alkaline Water .

How is Natural Gout Treatment - Alkaline Water As A Natural Gout Remedy

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Alkaline Water .

The reason is that alkaline water has a higher pH value than other kinds. Alkaline water is water with more oxygen, in this case OH-, not O2. Drinking it makes the body more alkaline. In this state, the body is likely to excrete more uric acid. Reducing uric acid levels to below 6.0 mg/dL (men), slightly less in women, is the target of most forms of gout treatment whether drug medications or natural remedies. Alkaline water is also an antioxidant which squelches free radicals.


Most people are not able to buy alkaline water at their local supermarket or grocery store. You have to make it yourself. It's not difficult. Basically you can either add alkaline drops to regular water or you can have a water ionizer do it for you. Alkaline drops can be purchased via the Internet and delivered to you, search alkaline water drops, or alkaline drops.

Ionizers are easily installed to your faucet (tap). Most people will not need a plumber or next door neighbour. The ionizers of course cost more, but the water they produce is cheaper over time, say the manufacturers of one leading brand, than buying bottled water of various kinds. So it will pay in the end to think long term and fork out more cash.

For a quality ionizer expect to pay from US9 to US,495 for a top-of-the-range-model. (These are U.S. prices. Prices will vary in other countries). You also need to replace the ionizer's biostone filter about every nine months. Filters cost from US to US. The ionizer may last up to 20 years.


As well as being cheaper than drops, ionizers can be adjusted to produce a water pH of a specific value more accurately. Set it to pH 8.5 or pH 9.0 for example. They can also produce purified water and leave you with acidic water, which has its uses. Moreover, the best water ionizers adjust for the overall quality of water supply input. By so doing, they produce a correct pH level, irrespective of water supply quality, water pressure and flow rate.

After a period of drinking alkaline water your body pH should rise. How will you know? Saliva pH can be tested with pH test strips (search pH test strips or pH stix). Your saliva pH is a good indication of your body's pH levels. Make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions for using them carefully. Record numbers and watch for trend changes over time. A few tests are not enough.


Testimonials from delighted former gout sufferers can be found in many places on the Internet. Unfortunately they are not everything for every gout sufferer because gout is a complicated, still not wholly understood disease, and because what works for one sufferer may not work for others.

Moreover, however sincerely meant, and truthfully stated, testimonials may not be accurate in the long term because gout can go into remission and lie low for a long period before flaring up again. On the other hand there are testimonials from people who have not had a gout attack for 1-2 years or more, and this probably indicates a cure has been achieved.

Testimonials from gout sufferers, (one is a doctor), about the value of alkaline water can be read at and at

Hopefully these indicate that the theory has indeed shaken hands with the practice, and the rejoicing is happily justified. Most gout sufferers hope for a natural remedy for gout. Taking account of pH is part of natural gout treatment.

NB. The contents of this article contain medical information not medical advice. Please always discuss gout remedies with your doctor or other health care professional before implementing anything.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Alkaline Water . Where you may offer use in your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is Alkaline Water .Read more.. Natural Gout Treatment - Alkaline Water As A Natural Gout Remedy. View Related articles associated with Alkaline Water . I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Natural Gout Treatment - Alkaline Water As A Natural Gout Remedy.

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