6 Natural Cures for Cancer (And other problems like AIDS)

6 Natural Cures for Cancer (And other problems like AIDS) Video Clips. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

There's a lot of misconception about cancer. We have been told by the so called 'experts' who work in accordance with the big pharmaceutical businesses that there is NO known way to cure or even prevent it, and instead they advise us to take their chemo & radio treatments for it which, quite clearly, either cause more damage than there actually is or have no effect on the cancer at all! However, there are people out there (Rick Simpson, Jim Humble, just to name a few) who have discovered natural, safe and more effective substances to combat cancer. Hundreds, if not thousands of people worldwide have used these substances and claimed to have successfully cured themselves of various forms of cancer, including terminal, and others claim to have cured themselves of other illnesses like arthritis, migraines, MS, anxiety, depression and even AIDS & malaria by using them. But the mainstream media will not promulgate any of this, and the big pharmaceutical companies will not endorse them. Why? Maybe it's because they're not as profitable as their own made drugs! The big pharmaceutical industry invests so much money by manufacturing and selling their medication drugs and by deluding the public into thinking that there is no other alternative medicine. If the people found out about these substances, the whole of this monopoly may well just fall apart. Also, science has proven time and time again that the cause of cancer is due to under nutrition, especially due to a lack of ...

Keywords: natural, cures, for, cancer, AIDS, disease, pollution, vaccines, codex, alimentarius, food, vegan, veganism, apricot, seeds, kernels, cannabis, hemp, oil, MMS, miracle, mineral, solution, chlorella, lyposome, lyposomal, encapsulated, vitamin, B17, cyanide, poison, sun, bed, monsanto, healing, remedies, planet, Earth, prostate, tumor, aspartame, MSG, self, help, mangosteen, juice, fluoride, energy, medicine, adulteration, detox, cleanse, NWO, new, world, order, alex, jones, bs, wake, up

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