Dr. Mona Harrison,MD. "Sacred Water" Pt2

Dr. Mona Harrison,MD. "Sacred Water" Pt2 Tube. Duration : 10.13 Mins.

***This description is from www.queentswana.org To purchase entire DVD "Water Water Everywhere Not A Drop To Drink" go to www.themetacenter2.com Dr. Mona Harrison received her degree from the University of Maryland and went on to become the assistant dean of Boston University School of Medicine. As chief medical officer for DC General Hospital, she directed the trauma center, emergency center, and outpatient services. When we are born, our bodies are filled with a water that has a specific clustered form, Dr.Harrison said. Especially the brain and liver have water that has a large number of negatively charged hydrogen ions. A water cluster is a ring of six molecules that share common hydrogen bonds. The six-sided shape enters the cell most easily, like a master key that opens the locks on many doors. In its free state in nature, the water molecule has two positively charged hydrogen ions and one negatively charged oxygen ion. Cellular processes in plants and animals store energy in the hydrogen ions by capturing free electrons. The stored electrons change the hydrogen ions from a positive charge to a negative charge. A healthy cell is a miniature hydroelectric station; water flows in and out; energy is produced and stored. Through her advanced studies in the field of quantum mechanics and the laws of cellular and biological regeneration of our DNA, Dr.Harrison was led to the discovery of the value of water, its physical, psychical and spiritual properties as the key to ...

Tags: mona, harrison, alkaline, water, sacred, life, healing, electrolysis, clustered, ion, positive, negative, hydrogen, orp

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